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    Awareness Integration Theory is a multi-modality psychotherapeutic model that enhances self-awareness, releases past traumas and/or incomplete psychological blocks, promoting clarity and positive attitude to learn and implement new skills for an effective, productive, and successful life.


    Awareness Integration Theory integrates cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and somatic techniques to create more awareness into a person’s life patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving toward self and others.  Through this awareness, a person brings into consciousness the correlation between the way one perceives the world, makes decision about oneself as an identity, relates and acts toward the world as that identity, and creates results toward proving the decided upon self-identity.


    Through the Awareness Integration Theory’s techniques, the person has the opportunity to bring forth the origination of the decision making regarding the self and the world, to heal the original and/or other events that have led to creation and sustainment of a negative core belief, irrational formulas/ schemas and to choose a more positive or workable belief about self and the world.


    Awareness Integration Model is structured in consideration of all the areas that one faces and relates to in one’s span of life.  The questions are structured to entice awareness that leads to consciousness, a sense of ownership, responsibility, and accountability toward one’s creation of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and results.

    The questions are structured to entice awareness that leads to consciousness, a sense of ownership, responsibility, and accountability toward one’s creation of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and results.
    The goal of this model is to foster awareness and to integrate all split parts of the self from the past into the present, create a vision for the future, create solid goals and action plans with an external feedback loop to ensure a sustainable successful and fulfilled life.

    The Awareness Integration model operates based on 9 principles that have been researched for many years through different theories:


    1) Reality of the observer is subjective based on the state of being beliefs, meanings, emotions, and behaviors.

    2) The potential to learn skills to have a functional and successful life is available for human being.

    3) Skills are learned through physical and psychological development in combination with the mirroring of parents and environment.

    4) Perception of the information and experience allows meaning to be assigned and categorization and generalization of the assigned meanings about the self and the world allows a personal identify to be realized.

    5) Experiences are stored in memory cognitively, emotionally, and somatically. A traumatic experience is compartmentalizing and waits integration to be healed and reintegrated.

    6) When the unintegrated belief-emotion-body state is healed and released and integrated, neutral and positive attitude are surfaced.

    7) Through the completion of this process, the creation of an intended and conscious choice regarding values, thoughts, feelings, actions, and results.

    8) Skills can be learned and sustained in a neutral environment toward a desired and intentional result.

    9) Conscious and clear vision of a desired result with tangible goal setting, effective planning and efficient action raises the probability of achieving one’s desired results.


    The goal of this model is to foster awareness and to integrate all split parts of the self from the past into the present, create a vision for the future, create solid goals and action plans with an external feedback loop to ensure a sustainable successful and fulfilled life.


    The primary method of AIT involves identifying one’s negative and/or irrational core beliefs, the formulas one has created to operate within one’s life, and the identities they have created, sustained, and operated. AIT will allow for the release of emotional and somatic charges that remain from unintegrated experiences and memories and the dismantling of negative core beliefs. This process assures the integration of the self which will allow skill building and creation of a chosen and intended future to be attainable without the past sabotaging the future.

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